WACF Spring Newsletter
Memorial Day Weekend: an all-new, never-before-seen, awkwardly named meteor shower
Coming to a circumpolar constellation near you: An all-new, never-before-seen, awkwardly named meteor shower that just might knock your astronomical socks off.
It's called the Camelopardalid meteor shower, and unlike annual showers such as the Perseids and Leonids that have been occurring for hundreds or thousands of years, it will occur for the first time the night of May 23 and early morning of May 24.
Look for the shower to radiate from a spot between the Big Dipper, Little Dipper and Cassiopeia.
A meteor shower happens when the Earth passes through debris left in space by a comet (the Perseids, for example, are debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle); the debris, little chunks of rock and other material, burns up in the atmosphere to form what some people call shooting or falling stars.
The Camelopardalids will be debris from Comet 209P/LINEAR, a very dim comet that orbits the sun every five years. The comet was discovered in 2004 by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research project, a partnership of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory, NASA and the U.S. Air Force.
But while the Earth has been passing through Swift-Tuttle debris to create the Perseids for thousands of years (the first written account of the shower was in 36 A.D.), this will be the first time the Earth has passed through Comet 209P/LINEAR's leftovers.
Meteor showers vary in intensity: Some produce more meteors than others, and some years a particular meteor shower is better than other years.
It all depends on how much debris the Earth passes through, and some astronomers are predicting that all of Comet 209P/LINEAR's debris trails from 1803 through 1924 will intersect Earth's orbit, so the Camelopardalid meteor shower will be a meteor storm producing hundreds of meteors per hour.
So, how good will it be?
"That's always a good question, more so with this meteor shower because it's the first time we're seeing it," said Rich Talcott, senior editor of Astronomy magazine. "Over the past 15 or 20 years, astronomers have done a very good job at figuring out, 'OK, here's where the debris streams will lie.' I'm thinking the odds are pretty good we'll get something nice May 24."
Meteor showers are named for the constellation from which the meteors seem to radiate. That point is known as the radiant, and radiant for the Camelopardalids will be the constellation Camelopardalis (the giraffe).
Camelopardalis is a circumpolar constellation, which means that, rather than moving from east to west across the night sky, it goes around Polaris, the North Star, so it's up all night.
It's also easy to find because it's close to the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, two easily recognizable constellations.
The meteor shower will be easier to view in the South, says Carol Stewart, astronomer at the Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium in Fort Myers, Fla.
"In Southwest Florida, we have an advantage over Northern latitudes because the meteors will come in at us from a lower altitude," she said. "Those are called 'Earth-grazers,' and they're longer-lasting and run farther across the sky."
Aside from clouds, a meteor watcher's worst enemy is a bright moon, which can wash out all but the brightest meteors.
On the night of May 23, however, the moon is not present, and it doesn't rise until 3:41 a.m. May 24. When it does rise, it will be a waning crescent, so it won't affect the meteor shower.
Astronomers predict peak activity for the shower will be from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. May 24, but Stewart will be looking at a wider window.
"They could start as soon as it gets dark the night of the 23rd," she said. "I'm going to go out and check every hour. We don't know because this is the first time, and I don't want to miss it."
So park your boat out in the middle of the lake Friday night, and get ready for Mother Nature's fireworks show.
Major Exterior Renovation At Wawasee Spink
Major exterior renovation has begun at Wawasee Spink on the north shore of Lake Wawasee and will continue throughout the year. Until now, all renovation has been to the interior of the almost 90-year-old structure.
Bill McCabe, president of the Wawasee Spink Condominiums, reported scaffolding is now up around a portion of the condominiums with repairs going on during the next year. Weather affected the work starting later than desired.
“Almost every sliding glass door and window will be removed allowing many owners that have not upgraded them over the last few years to have an opportunity for new ones at only the cost of materials,” stated McCabe.
New exterior design.
“As that is being done, we are redoing and upgrading the flashing system and finishing everything with new exterior stucco. We are adding some arches and banding in the design of the stucco exterior to make it look more appealing.”
McCabe noted the sides and parking lot views will be worked on throughout the summer with lakeside work taking place after August. He stated the project is costing approximately $1.5 million.
“This is the first time since 1984,” McCabe noted anything has been done to the building. It was in 1984 the Spink was converted from a preparatory school into luxurious condominiums.
“Lots of interior common work has been done over the last three years, but we found the exterior of the structure to be in need of work,” stated McCabe. The work is being done by Trisco from Ohio.
The earlier work, part of a three-year project cut down to two years, included replacing the wallpaper in the hallways, repainting and gutting the common room, installing a theatre system and cabinets.
McCabe noted with the latest remodeling, the exterior work should last for a long time.
Built as a luxurious 130-bed Spink Wawasee Hotel, the property served as the highly visible landmark on Lake Wawasee since opening in 1926. It was known for catering to wealthy and famous clientele, with a majority of guests visiting from the Chicago area. It was so popular a special railway station was constructed nearby for convenience.
Among the renowned guests were Al Capone, the Queen of Siam, Bud Abbott, Lou Costello and other Hollywood stars. It was also well known for illicit gambling and Prohibition booze with celebrity guests preferring the anonymity the rural location of the resort provided. The Spink had a posh elegance, big band ballroom and gourmet cuisine.
The hotel was closed in 1947 and was about to make a drastic change.
William Noll, who owned an estate adjacent to the Spink, purchased the facility in 1948 and donated it to the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese. The former hotel housed Our Lady of the Lake Seminary, operated by the Crosier Fathers. It became the Wawasee Preparatory School. The school was closed in 1976, with the property being vacant until remodeled in 1984.
The 32 three-bedroom condominiums feature owner selected decors. The four-phase complex includes five elevators, a commons room, attached two-car garages for each unit, tennis courts and a swimming pool.
WPOA Spring 2014 Lakeviews Newsletter
DNR Announces Free Fishing Days
Indiana residents won't need a fishing license or a trout/salmon stamp to fish the state's public waters on April 19. If you're busy that day, there are three more opportunities in 2014 to experience free fishing. (May 17 and June 7-8)