The Syracuse-Wawasee Garden Club selected officers for 2013. Marty Cesco and Ellen Longenbaugh will remain co-president and Jo Butler and M.A. Carter will continue as co-treasurer. Elected for another two-year term as secretary was Charlotte Hill while Pam Unruh is the new vice-president.
It was reported that the club’s annual Christmas Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, in the Carriage House in Topeka. Please wrap a $10 gift card for exchange and bring a canned good for the Syracuse Food Pantry.
Suggestions for programs for 2013 were taken from the membership and sign-up sheet.
Linda Harkleroad reported on the North Central District meeting of The Garden Clubs Inc. of Indiana. The district has raised $5,700 in the total pledge of $10,000 made to Elkhart’s Wellfield Memorial Garden. Members are invited to join with the North West District for a bus trip to Chicago Botanical Garden next spring.
Kathy Tittle presented the program on how to make origami boxes. The meeting was held in the home of Dixie Simmons with Ronda Neibert serving as co-hostess.
After the December dinner, the club will not reconvene until March.